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la vida chapina: 05

February 19th, 2025 This will be a letter full of colors. Even as the rain becomes but a memory, the harvest long past and the landscape dried out, colors abound. I just have to get on the bus to witness a full array of these glorious refractions of light. A singular woman could easily boast a dozen colors, swirling around on her  corte  and glittering as the sun bounces off the  tornasoles  lining her chest. “The world is a vibrant and beautiful place!” her outfit seems to scream. Smiling to myself, I agree.    The  camionetas  I take to and from my town are also decked out in color. Two are a very pleasant teal and another is a darker aquamarine with fuschia and beige stripes on its side. Others are the typical yellow of a USA school bus but once aboard, one sees stickers of suggestive silhouettes alongside bible verses, and realizes she is not winding her way through the Pennsylvanian countryside on her way to elementary school. Their blaring h...

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